In review: fashion goes augmented reality

The real life application of augmented reality is something that we get asked about more and more. For a lot of people it remains this mysterious thing that happens either with the use of a smartphone or other scanning and projecting devices. The real use case is often lost on them and there is a need for further application before people really get it to the point of wanting to consider implementing it.

The fashion industry gives us a good insight on how a live event, namely a fashion show, can be enhanced with augmented reality. By pointing your mobile device at the models, pricing and even shops stocking the items were listed. The ultimate next step is to have a buy now button which automates a one-click shopping cart, which we already have at Amazon for example.

To give you a full idea of what it looks like, here is the video that shows the concept in action:

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What augmented reality use cases have you seen that attracted your interest?

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