With the first round of the Loyalty Games, also known as the gamification and loyalty world championships, happening on Saturday, we decided to zone in to some loyalty campaigns and where better to start than the Loyalty Award winners from Europe, the Middle East and Africa who received their awards in June this year. I strongly recommend that you visit the Loyalty Awards website and click on the winners pdf, where you can read about the various campaigns and what made them stand out.

Because here at Gamification Nation we are primarily interested in gamification related projects, I have selected a few campaigns, which incorporate both gamification and loyalty, but to prepare for the Loyalty Games have a good look at the other campaigns also and how they are structured.

The first campaign that stood out to me was from Baltic Miles, they were nominated in two categories for different campaigns and both included gamification elements. The first one was an interactive application where they used Google Street View Maps and asked the question where should the Reindeers be delivering your gifts, in case you were a chosen winner. The aim was to get member to update to their current address as well as keep this effort cost effective and engaging. So a little bit of virtual reality coming to you over the web. Their other campaign “Burn the Miles” is also worth mentioning, they linked earning additional mile points for their airline, by logging calorie burning sports activity in a mobile app. So by encouraging member to be active, log their activity, more frequent flyer miles could be earned. This linked positive emotions thanks to sports, achievement through tracking with real rewards in frequent flyer terms.

Two other winning campaigns explicitly stating the use of gamification and game mechanics were the example from Dansk Supermarked, a supermarket chain, who won the short term loyalty campaign award with their Christmas campaign and Topaz Ireland, who used ongoing game mechanics for their Play or Park the Loyalty game to encourage people to buy petrol in a fun way, they won the entertainment award.

Dansk Supermarked, the largest Danish retail company, uses mobile based gamification in “the big Christmas game” to close the gap between digital marketing and physical retail sales and to drive short and long term loyalty, achieve 55x ROI and support the winning of market share online and offline. Here is a deeper dive into the campaign from Dansk Supermarked with ROI numbers and game functionality explained:

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The Play or Park campaign by Topaz Ireland was invented to counter a decline trend in petrol sales and encourage buyers to stay loyal to the brand. Each type of spend is rewarded and made very easy. Here is how they encouraged people to play on their site:

[video_player type=”embed” width=”640″ height=”360″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]PGlmcmFtZSB3aWR0aD0iNjQwIiBoZWlnaHQ9IjM2MCIgc3JjPSIvL3d3dy55b3V0dWJlLmNvbS9lbWJlZC9HcmlnNDZhdXgtST9yZWw9MCIgZnJhbWVib3JkZXI9IjAiIGFsbG93ZnVsbHNjcmVlbj48L2lmcmFtZT4=[/video_player]

To summarise some of the key trends from Loyalty Award winners:

– Personalisation

– Collecting points and virtual currency

– Relevant rewards

– Attractive free wins such as cars, flying miles and other goods the members may want

– Easy to engage (multiple channels, in store, mobile, web, social media)

– Fun factor and game elements being used increasingly


What is your favourite winning campaign and why?

Here is the full list of Loyalty Award winners for 2014:

Best Loyalty Programme of the Year- Financial Services

Home Retail Group Financial Services – Argos Card Rewards- Getting Personal

Best Loyalty Programme of the Year- Mobile

Winner: Azbuka Vkusa (Russia) – BrandLoyalty’s mobile app Bright Stamps boosts first nationwide loyalty programme

High Commendation: Dansk Supermarked (Denmark) – Dansk Supermarked’s gamification drives loyalty, ROI and increased market share

Best Loyalty Programme of the Year- Retail (Food)

Winner: Woolworths (South Africa) – WRewards – Membership makes a difference

High Commendation: Booths – Booths Card Exceeds Both Customers’ & Booths’ Expectations

Best Loyalty Programme of the Year- Retail (Non Food)

Winner: Pets at Home – The Pets at Home VIP Loyalty Scheme

Best Loyalty Programme of the Year- Entertainment

Winner: Topaz Energy (Ireland) – Topaz Play or Park- The Loyalty Game

Best Loyalty Programme of the Year- Travel

Winner: Avios Group (AGL) Limited – The Avios Currency

High Commendation: Heathrow Airport – Heathrow Rewards – new way of rewarding travellers at the airport

Best New Loyalty Programme of the Year

Winner: Booths – Booths Card Exceeds Both Customers’ & Booths’ Expectations

High Commendation: Turkcell (Turkey) – Retirees Club

Best Use of CRM in a Loyalty Environment

Winner: Home Retail Group Financial Services – Argos Card Rewards- Getting Personal

Best Use of Customer Analytics/Data in a Loyalty Programme

Winner: Sainsbury’s and Nectar – Offer Engine- Personalised, relevant approach to targeting shoppers

High Commendation: Royal Bank of Scotland Group – Utilising/analysing customer data to deliver positive ROI and customer loyalty

Best Use of Communication in a Loyalty Programme

Winner: Abbott Turkey – Life is a Valuable Club

Best Use of Social Media to Enhance Loyalty

Winner: SOS – Access All ASOS: The ASOS advocacy programme

Best Loyalty Programme Marketing Campaign of the Year

Winner: Baltic Miles – Address update campaign by using Google StreetView

High Commendation: MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet (South Africa) – Swipe for Africa

Best CSR Initiative Linked to Loyalty

Winner: MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet (South Africa) – Swipe for Africa”

Best Card Based Loyalty Programme

Winner: Nectar – The UK’s most popular loyalty programme

High Commendation: Whitbread Plc – Brewers Fayre Bonus Club

Best Coupon or Voucher Based Loyalty Programme

Winner: MultiPlusCard (Croatia) – Croatia’s leading coalition loyalty programme

Best Loyalty Industry Innovation

Winner: Baltic Miles – Burn the Miles

Best B2B Loyalty Programme

Winner: Advice Group (Italy) – Tre Marie Multichannel Loyalty Programme

Best Short Term Loyalty Programme

Winner: Dansk Supermarked (Denmark) – Dansk Supermarked’s gamification drives loyalty, ROI and increased market share

Best Use of Technology in a Loyalty Programme

Winner: Alpha Bank (Greece) – Alpha Bank Loyalty Platform- delivering maximum loyalty

High Commendation: Vodafone Turkey – Vodafone Avantaj Cepte Mobile Loyalty Platform

The Loyalty Magazine Award

Winner: Vodafone Turkey with Ketchup Agency and Unite

Best Loyalty Programme of the Year- Middle East and Africa


Best Loyalty Programme of the Year- European Union & Turkey

Winner: NECTAR

Best Loyalty Programme of the Year- Central & Eastern Europe


Industry Personality of the Year

Gabi Kool of Coalition Rewards



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