Gamification Mechanic Monday: Treasure hunts

Gamification Mechanic Monday: Treasure hunts

With Easter fresh in your mind, a few of you may have been involved in Easter egg hunts or treasure hunts. It is a technique that really triggers exploration and finding things really fast and typically there is an element of competition involved. So effectively it is a combination of game elements and motivational drivers.

Treasure hunts that are well constructed and timed, can be a lot of fun. So what do you need to organise a hunt, typically hidden items whether you physically hide them or hide them online both are possible. You probably need to give some clues as to where the players go next and a description of what you want them to find.

In companies treasure hunts have been used to encourage team building, communication and online I have seen them used as marketing tools. Here is a chocolate example from 2011, which I have shared before, but because it is Easter, it feels like it fits.

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Where have you had treasure hunt fun?


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