Gamification stuff we love: Globetrekker

The link between employee well-being and corporate productivity has been recognised by a lot of organisations. The largely sedentary lifestyle of most office workers is not healthy and definitely not the best option to give a top performance. Not only will every one suffer from numb bum syndrome, in my view also numb brain. I think it’s good to change perspective and take your office outside for a walk, have a standing meeting, or other creative ways that are available in your environment.

Globetrekker designed an app to help with employee wellbeing through adventure challenges achieved primarily through activity, healthy eating and enough sleep. The app is designed to work i conjunction with existing activity trackers which monitor activity, sleep and nutrition. Team challenges are set to have a group of co-workers discover some amazing places on earth depending on the distance they go. A bit of peer support as well as competition drives some of the activity. Whilst taking part players also receive healthy lifestyle updates and they unlock milestone rewards in the app as and when they achieve them.

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From a gamification perspective for enterprise programs, the team aspect is positive as long as the balance between competition and support is kept even. I love the fact that the exotic virtual destination may well encourage you to keep going, which takes away the focus on the amount of work to be done, but rather replaces it with a destination to reach. Unlocking rewards when you hit them is a great bit of feedback too and I would expect it to be gently motivating.

What is your company doing for employee wellness?

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