Feminine Gamification Viewpoint: social sales
Feminine Gamification Viewpoint: Social sales It seems appropriate on what seems to be a now global concept “Black Friday” to talk about social sales and how this is in fact …
Feminine Gamification Viewpoint: Social sales It seems appropriate on what seems to be a now global concept “Black Friday” to talk about social sales and how this is in fact …
Gamification Mechanic Monday: Betting Betting has a whole industry and games built on the game mechanic, the most well known probably lotto and horse race betting. In a lot of games …
Feminine Gamification Viewpoint: He for She This week Emma Watson gave a speech at the UN for the launch of the UN campaign ‘He for She’ to encourage equality for …
Friday Feminine Gamification Viewpoint: Designing for the picky customer Most guys will probably already be nodding their heads to the title and they are right, women tend to be a …
Feminine Gamification Viewpoint: Gender design preferences When women and men design they will naturally go for a number of different elements: Males Females Type of objects Self-propelling objects (ships, cars, …
Since 2013, I have been using the employee lifecycle as a way of describing where the meaningful touchpoints can be where gamification can potentially make a difference. Notice the very …