Gamification stuff we love: Carbon disclosure project

As I am working on an energy detective game for use in a climate change schools program, I have been coming across some great tools, which showcase how game elements have actually made a massive impact. The Carbon Disclosure Project aims to encourage companies, governments and cities to report on their carbon emissions, with a clear intention to also encourage action towards reducing their carbon footprint.

The game elements at play are very much based on progress reporting.  The transparency reporting gives, has encouraged positive action. In fact companies participating have been encouraged to socially expand the program by asking their suppliers to take part also.

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Here is what CDP says the companies taking part in their disclosure initiative achieves:

  • Increased awareness of greenhouse gas emissions hot spots so that they can begin to reduce them.
  • Business leadership in understanding the risks from climate change, deforestation and water scarcity.
  • How they are creating opportunities to innovate and generate revenue from sustainable products and services.
  • How they are future-proofing their business from climate change and water impacts.

The report then includes leaderboards by sector and insight into where the major changes or impacts are. The carbon disclosure project is also playing on the investor card, which is tugging the intrinsic motivational strings of a lot of organisations. In order to receive investment funds, action towards positive change is needed.

In my view a lot of change starts with awareness and whilst reporting is a small part, the follow on program of Carbon Action then assist in taking the next step. Whilst the terminology is rather complex and it takes a bit of research to get started, the simple game elements used are proving to encourage disclosure and action.

By having leaderboards and an A-list report, status amongst peers is another motivational factor and I guess when you are not on the list something to strive towards. Those might be the rewards for reporting, I wonder are there rewards for action taking also?

What campaigns have you come across that apply simple game elements to encourage behaviour change?



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