
A quest is a very useful game mechanic that can be applied in multiple environments and can be implemented without the need for investment in technology or software.

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A quest by definition is a journey or expedition where challenges are overcome and in gamification we want this to result in a reward.

Quests can be useful way to introduce new people to your company and teach them about your business throughout the discovery process.

In recruitment this may mean an individual may need to complete a mission or series of missions before they are interviewed or to progress to the next stages of interview. I have often seen this applied as part of an internship program, where a specific quest was set for intern in order to test their ability and attitude in unusual circumstances.

In a marketing environment, you may have to fulfil a quest in order to gain additional information or a chance on receiving a product free or for a reduced price. This can be to find an item on your site, resolve a riddle, puzzle or series of those. Or it may be share the campaign on social media channels in order to create even more buzz as well as gain further benefit by doing so.

In sales you may set a quest for your sales team and as the journey goes on the obstacles or milestones to reach increase in complexity to keep the quest interesting.

In training and e-learning you could use the quest as a theme for the learning with learning objectives along the way, the student may have homework to complete or to find the key to unlock the next level.

You may recognise the quest concept from game-show on television or radio where teams compete for a prize and have a number of clues to find out and assigned challenges to complete. The reward can be free travel or, the title of for example biggest loser. etc.

A treasure hunt is an example of a quest and has been used to have players explore new areas, return more often with a new mission each time and to resolve issues for a business.

The application of the quest mechanic invites all kinds of players with various motivations to participate and interact with your brand.

How and where can you implement quest?
Why would you do it?


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