Gamification Mechanic Monday: Random rewards

If you have ever tried to surprise a friend, family member or person you love with a surprise bunch of flowers or a a gift, then you already fully understand the concept of random rewards. Now, the question is when did you do this last for your employees or your clients?

Can you as part of your enterprise software build in some unusual rewards, just because?

Not only is it fun to dream these rewards up and set them, but the surprise and delight feeling you create on the receiving end, may just be the one thing that makes someone’s day. Think in terms of things that your audience would like, what motivates them, they are the kind of things to set as a random reward.

I have received really funny random badges, that made me smile. I have also received a present from a supplier out of nowhere, but with tips that were relevant to me and my business. So the choice is yours, you can make these rewards no cost, low cost or expensive and that really depends on the value you put on your business relationship.

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Here is the challenge, what random reward will you be implementing?

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