Gamification stuff we love: Ideachef

Idea chef is a board game that assist teams to bring ideas into reality. Team members are asked a number of thought provoking questions to be discussed around ideas. The board game challenges people’s thinking and puts a structure on it to move an idea from concept into an actual project.

Idea chef is played with a number of players like any good board game and prompts questions on problems or ideas you would like to address, it can assist in re-designing internal processes or even working with clients to improve your product and service offering. It uses cooking analogies to create a winning recipe.

Basically it allows for non-digital gamification and brainstorming and structure development all in one. As an added bonus you will encourage a team to work together in an informal fun yet structured fashion and consensus about an idea and approach is what will create a winning recipe. You can play in one team or with multiple teams around the same or different ideas. It can also be used as a tool in a hackaton to bring ideas into the next stage of thinking.

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