Feminine gamification viewpoint: Inspiration

Feminine gamification viewpoint: Inspiration from Dame Stephanie Shirley

Under the heading of the feminine viewpoint, I often like to share role models who inspire me to keep on the journey of being an entrepreneur. Especially in the tech world, which includes gamification, female role models are essential. In fact if it wasn’t for Jane McGonigal’s book “Reality is broken” I would never have started Gamification Nation. She asked some very poignant questions which were totally relevant to me at that point and how I felt and how I still feel about our society and work in general. I have more fun now doing the things I really love and seeing transformation happen, even if at times the entrepreneurial journey can be a bit shelter skelter.

I like to inspire people to do more of what they enjoy whether that is gamification or something else for that matter and I also find it important to seek out role models that inspire me. Here is a Ted Talk from one lady pioneer, who set up an all female enterprise in the tech industry where all employees worked with pencil and paper and where telephone access was an selection essential. To top that they worked from home.

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Who gives you inspiration in both gamification and in general?

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