Yesterday, I had the fun experience of being the guest on TLDchat, where learning and development specialists come and hang out online for one hour every weekday to discuss topics and challenges in the industry. Obviously, my topic involved gamification, some great questions came up, which I found very relevant, hence I am sharing the full replay for you to enjoy.
What is always fascinating when talking to learning specialists about gamification is that points, badges and leaderboards come up, because it is still what a lot of vendors in the learning management systems and even the gamification platform space promote, yet they are not necessarily the most effective for learning purposes.
What I also learned that dashboards and leaderboards tend to be used inter-changeably, which in my mind are two very definite different concepts. In my view a dashboard is something that lists several achievements, progression, and like the dashboard in your car has multiple dials for different purposes or in the cockpit of an aeroplane. A leaderboard in the learning environment can list the top rated courses, rather unfortunately in most implementations it also measure people and their consumption of quantity of courses in learning. I find the latter useless in learning and demotivational for anyone that is not in the top. Learning should build your confidence, not take away from it. We all learn at different paces, which is why quality of retention and implementation of learning is what really should be measured and not consumption.
A lot of great questions came up and I invite you to watch the full replay and join the chat #tldchat every day at 4pm UK time.
Here are some of the links to things I mentioned: