Gamification stuff we love: LevelEleven

In sales gamification LevelEleven has created a platform which provides sales managers the opportunity to build full feedback on each of their sales reps, engage in behaviour changing competitions and if you would like to add a leaderboard you can, but you don’t have to. The platform is easy implement with administration to launch contests to drive specific sales behaviours ready for even low tech managers. LevelEleven is fully integrated with sales and lead tracking software Salesforce and can be linked to a range of other tools such as incentive related and HR related applications.

The key driver for the tool is feedback and when combined with a sales CRM system such as Salesforce, all sales team members can observe their performance and adapt their behaviour accordingly. What I particularly like is that everything can be tailored to what the focus of the sales team is on, whether it is increasing prospecting calls, generating meetings or demo’s and closing deals. Equally the gamification elements can be adapted to suit your culture although leaderboards are also at the heart of the sales competitive spirit. In all honesty most sales teams are accustomed to leaderboard and when the winning behaviour to succeed is further encouraged, I have first hand seen positive results.

The ROI example are impressive. One reviewer quoted the following: “In January of 2014 a key measurable in our company generated a little over $10,000 in revenue. Couple with strategic training, we utilized Level 11 to drive this to our highest point of $82,121 in one month, and are now averaging just under $70,000 per month. The 700% increase will result in more than $560,000 in additional revenue to our company in 2014.”

Here is an overview of the app and some of it’s functionality:

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How are your stimulating sales performance with gamification?

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