Feminine gamification viewpoint: More than mean

A lot of women experience a backlash on social media when they are just going about doing their normal job. Two sports journalists, who happen to also be female were at the receiving end of the most cutting remarks and in one situation their manager even asked them to take time out thanks to a threat on their life on Twitter. Both gender receive feedback on social media, but what is written to women is often a lot more harsh. More Than Mean, a video and campaign launched by podcast Just Not Sports on Tuesday shows men reading actual tweets sent to Julie DiCaro, a Sports Illustrated reporter and Sarah Spain, an ESPNW reporter and radio host. At that point the ladies had seen the tweets before, the men read them for the first time, watch their response in the video clip.

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In the corporate world with emails as a very prevalent way of communicating some equal bad manners are actually quite rive, even if gender is not the key driver but rather work related pressure. I wonder what would happen if we asked all mean writers to read out loud what they wrote to the other person in a face to face meeting. Maybe we could rate the recovery and make this the game that teaches us what mean does to the receiving party and how it makes you feel when you read it out loud to the person. We could as a follow-on track the amount of times the original mean person persists with similar behaviour or whether indeed we are making inroads into making their behaviour better.

Anyone up for that game?

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