Yesterday evening, I had the great opportunity together with collaborators and a client to celebrate our achievement on a project. In my coaching business I often had to tell business owners to take stock, stop and celebrate and it’s a practise I still recommend today. Our project for Qinetiq xCite, was shortlisted in the TIGA educational game category, which meant we made it into the top 10 of the UK educational games at the TIGA games awards.

Studios like Sony, Rebellion, Space Ape games, Sumo digital and a whole bunch of other known and lesser knows agencies large and small were present. Seeing all the video trailers, some of the graphics and sound just was amazing. Some very popular games being recognised.

The event was held in the Victoria and Albert Museum, which just made you feel special as you walked in. London has many great locations, but I have to say, just being in such a historic landmark building was an lovely treat. It had a majestical feel to it. As a first time attendee, I have to say it made me feel proud to be part of an industry that we are aligned with. Although gamification and game design are close relatives and there is a significant amount of overlap, I feel I learn more here from very niche specialists than I now do in the world of gamification, where as Andrzej pointed out to me I spend more time teaching.

In games, when you achieve a new level or make a particularly good move, there is an automatic great celebration by design. We always build it into our gamification designs too. Celebrating in this kind of style, adds motivation and makes you feel that what you do is worthwhile. Marco Faccini, who has recently become a non-executive director for Gamification Nation, pointed out that this is how he felt motivated to do what we do.

For me it is an honour to be able to bring my clients, Andrzej and Marco as collaborators to an event like this and to celebrate what we have achieved, even if we weren’t the ultimate winners of the night, I think and I personally definitely walked away inspired and ready for some more solid work.


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