Over the Christmas period I connected with the development team from Wrainbo, who kindly gave me access to their game based learning tool. Then I also had a demo of the more advanced levels and spoke to Duke Wong the co-foudner and CEO. The Business Venture game asks you with simple tutorials to set up a store and maximise profit in turn based time periods. Over the course of the game you build up a skills profile and competencies. At the end of the game the feedback is available to you as a player to allow you to learn and improve.

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I really like the game experience, it was easy to follow and build a strategy for a business venture. In entrepreneurship education this kind of game would give players valuable feedback on what might go wrong or right if they applied their chosen strategies to real business. The report at the end is worth playing for.

Organisations looking to use game based learning especially aimed at entrepreneurship can find a useful platform in this. Some of the items are customisable and specific business types can be varied. Currently the company is running a number of programmes with reputable academic institutions to gather further input to keep improving the platform and options for players.

Well worth checking out, if you are teaching enterprise.

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