Gamification stuff we love: Global corporate challenge

Employee well-being is often an area multinational organisation invest by providing gym discounts and maybe seminars in the company to encourage people to change behaviour, however no real follow up is provided and typically it is up to the individual to see what they get out of it. The Global Corporate Challenge provides a fun 100 day challenge over which participants are asked to team up with 7 colleagues and to take regular exercise and rest.

The challenge is set up to create new habits. Triggers are identified when people need to make meaningful choices which with the help of rewards are set to encourage taking more exercise, the social aspect helps people stay on track and in some corporate cultures you will find a natural emergence of peer competition. Participants to the challenge receive a health tracker or can use their own device and link it to a mobile app and website to record their activity and tap into the reward system.

The results so far have been amazing, the challenge runs for 100 days and companies report some of the following benefits:

  • 92% of companies participating said it helped contributing to a corporate culture of health
  • 33% of employees reported an increase in productivity
  • 75% of employees reported and increase in morale
  • 57% of employees reported an increase in teamwork
  • 52% of employees felt more engaged in work
  • 63% of employees felt their stress levels went down

Video from original post no longer available.

The gamification aspects are building triggers based on typical decision points, the team approach and real time feedback tools with fitness trackers, apps and a website assist in keeping a positive spirit. The program is set up with the empowerment of people to make conscious good decisions in mind and sends motivational and educational advice as the challenge is going on.

If you have taken part in this challenge, let us know how it worked for you and why it worked in your view?

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