When it comes to gamification for learning, one of my main recommendations is always to allow for first person learning experience. This typically means that the learner receives questions, scenarios and challenges to complete with feedback on their performance. Traditionally most learning material is click and tell or show and tell based, in fact most of the e-learning softwares and learning management systems are set up to enable this.

Creating first person experiences in all games is the starting point, you are not watching somebody else play but rather you are playing yourself. It does take longer and more effort on the instructional design team to truly understand the potential choices people make at each given point. However it isn’t impossible.

In a first person learning scenario, you receive feedback on the good choices and the bad choices. Just like in a game you would sometimes succeed in a level the first time around and other times it takes a few turns to get it right. Again in learning circles this often comes with apprehension of not wanting to make people feel bad when they learn. No offence though, sometimes you need to be told you were wrong and start again. I would rather learn in a safe environment than get it wrong in real life and pay a way worse price.

When it comes to customer engagement and gamification design, most people understand first person choices and options. The trend to further personalise experiences is becoming more and more prevalent. Recommendation engines are making it possible for most businesses to create this kind of options for all.

Where do you use the 1st person?

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