Gamification stuff we love: GCHQ National Hacker Competition

The British Intelligence Agency has launched a Hackaton to find the next talent that will help prevent cyber attacks. The participants will be asked to protect a fictitious aerospace company from a cyber attack of a terrorist organisation called Flag Day Associates.

The agency hopes through this competition to engage the public in assisting with their skills in the prevention of cyber attacks, which are a growing concern for governments.

In their press release: “GCHQ today calls on the UK public to protect a fictitious aerospace technology company threatened by imminent attack from cyber terrorists. Assignment: Astute Explorer is the latest game from the Cyber Security Challenge UK, who run an inspirational series of national competitions aimed at attracting talented people into the profession and informing them about cyber security careers. It gives members of the public a chance to act like a GCHQ operative, using their cyber security skills to investigate and fix the vulnerabilities of a global defence company ahead of a forewarned cyber-attack.”

Earlier in this year the Flag Day Associates launched this ‘threat video’

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Hackaton player will have access to an automated code scanning tool and their objective is to find code vulnerabilities, explain why they are vulnerabilities and how they could be exploited and ultimately how to resolve them.

From a gamification perspective this is using a typical role playing scenario with multiple players with a real potential scenario as a base. the objective of finding the best cypher protection talent, makes it a great example of gamified recruitment.

Will you be playing?


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