Feminine gamification viewpoint: sports develops leaders

Consulting firm Ernst & Young together with espnW published research about the effect of competitive sports on the careers of women. The research states that being a competitive athlete prepares women for leadership positions, boosts earning potential and career development opportunities.

Sports can help girls grow up feeling more confident and healthier, it gives them a greater sense of economic mobility, decreases the likelihood of them taking drugs, makes them less concerned about personal safety and also has a positive effect on school performance.

Executive women with a background in sports are 74% more likely to build strong teams, to motivate others and to see projects through to their completion. 94% of c-suite women played competitive sports.

Whilst the research mainly focused on the USA, it is interesting to see how an element of competition prepares us for much more. I grew up with sports as part of our family, both my parents played sports, so there was never any question when me and my sister also did.

In more ways than one it has always stood to me and now in gamification design, I draw a lot from the sports I play and played and the ones I just watch.

How has sports influenced your gamification efforts and your career?

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