Gamification Mechanic Monday: virtual world

The gamers amongst the readers of this blog, will recognise virtual worlds or game worlds from massive multi player online games. You enter a completely dedicated universe where all the game takes place.

A few years ago the virtual world Second Life was very popular and also an example of this type of gamification mechanic. In 2nd Life effectively buildings we normally recognise were built, some companies even set up a virtual replica of their own offices. I attended workshops on setting up my business inside Dublinia, which was an Irish part of this world. I heard the success story of a pub and how they even held concerts for Indie bands through live streaming, because of server capacity only a certain number of people could attend at the same time.

In his book “Second lives” Tim Guest describes the story of a group of disabled people who a few hours a week get to be completely able bodied as a group in this virtual environment, which significantly enhanced their life experience and it was certainly a time they looked out for.

In my work, learning worlds seem to be very topical and something I enjoy working on and constructing. When I build a learning world, the main objective is to create an experience based world where students can try out behaviours and learn from their decisions.

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Where could you implement a virtual experience? which virtual worlds have you come across and engaged with?

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