The Friday Feminine Angle
The Feminine Angle Gamification and the game industry have one thing in common namely the feminine angle is often under-represented. The ladies in both fields that do stand out, have …
The Feminine Angle Gamification and the game industry have one thing in common namely the feminine angle is often under-represented. The ladies in both fields that do stand out, have …
Gamification stuff we love: Gamification MOOC’s also known as massive open online courses As a bit of a learning nerd, it is no surprise that I follow developments in learning …
Trading systems Imaging the economy as a game, the trading system is that we give time to an organisation in return for money or we trade money in return for …
As a gamification expert I was recently asked, but what have you gamified in your business and beyond. Well quite a lot to be honest, I think I was that …
Is gamification just a way to bust boredom? Gamification is a powerful tool to improve business processes and can assist in making interactions more engaging. But if busting boredom is …
Gamified running thanks to Run England Jantastic Challenge At the end of last year like most people I was contemplating my goals for the coming months and having been a …