I am fascinated with robots, chatbots and other cool stuff like it that can make life interesting and easier in some way. For a pitch I am working on, I was researching the availability of robots and how much they can respond and adapt to individual children. In my research I stumbled across this development:

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It is worth watching the video to see how the Tutorbot adapts to each child and their needs. I found it interesting how it also gave positive messages to reinforce the learning and calming messages to keep nerves at bay. I would love a Tutorbot to learn new skills with. Especially if it worked with my interests to explain concepts and adapted to my level of competence.

Although the company behind it is only beta-testing their offering, what they have to show goes quite far in creating a personalised tutor for your needs. Parents remain in the loop which for the school going age group is ideal and also they have paid attention to creating age appropriate content. Security of apps for children has for some time been a major concern so it is great that this is also a consideration the company has covered.

I think this is a no-brainer innovation that will need very little convincing for it to be adopted. In the corporate sector it may allow each individual the privacy to look for answers without being made a fool of in front of colleagues by posing questions in a classroom or forum.

What do you think, way to go in learning innovation or not?

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