Gamification stuff we love: Spirit

On the gamification platforms to watch I would include Spirit. They are currently raising funds and in beta testing form, yet they also have some clients on their books at the same time. It is a neat and straight forward platform for call centre and sales related engagement. It allows fantasy style competitions and leagues to be set up and tracked at the same time.

Spirit allows multiple metrics to be tracked at the same time, these can be deeply integrated into your existing systems for live information to show or uploaded on a daily basis for day-by-day review of performance. As an individual I can see my personal performance and what I have yet to do to be on target to reach my objectives. Even if my objectives are different to those of others in the team I may be in the same league, reaching my target is my way of winning.

Companies have the option of allowing people to set up fantasy teams with colleagues, which I found a fun feature and then play against the other teams. Short missions are also an option and a feed to showcase achievement is also included in the current version of the Spirit platform.

The platform is created by the team of Stormburst Studios. I was lucky to have received a demo from one of the co-founders straight after they had an internal hack weekend to add in new features.

Spirit is an evolving platform and I can see it find a great place in the gamification space for sales and call centres, where incentivised leagues and competitions are already order of the day. We have partnered with them for sales solutions, so speak to us to look for a demo.

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