Gamification stuff we love: MyObjectives

Performance management is an area of employee engagement that is being discussed in HR offices and C-suites the world over. It is a hot topic, because the statistics are telling us that people are really disgruntled and happy with the annual appraisal process that only happens once or twice per year. Thanks to games and social media, we have grown used to having immediate feedback based on our actions. Yet when we come to work our best work may become unnoticed, due to the high volume of things you may be working on any given month. When writing up our performance appraisal forms, I often noticed my team members forgot major achievements from early in the period under discussion.

The heads up display in games is where you track you lives, your energy points, your scores, your level etc. whatever items that are relevant for you to be aware of your performance at any given time. In business the closest ways of tracking have often been measured by tools such as balanced scorecards and objectives measured by key results, also known as OKR. This is where MyObjectives comes in.

MyObjectives offers a software as a service solution to create this heads up display for everyone in your organisation, your team and for you as an individual. It provides managers with the overview necessary to make management decision and the individuals receive feedback on their performance based on the actions that are tracked and they have input into the setting of them and prioritisation.

The approach offered by MyObjectives combines traditional management and performance management with a modern way of working by bringing in gamification. Teams are aiming to reach a success zone, based on points which all relate to the objectives and key results that were set by the teams at the beginning of each period. Success zone feedback for an individual comes in terms of both numbers and the occasional badge to reinforce great achievements. It is the transparency and feedback though that are the more powerful drivers of this system.

When I saw the system, I could relate to the managerial challenge as well as the individual motivational challenge. What I specifically like is that it combines gamification with solid existing management science and not just hype. Hence we have become implementation partners for the software here in the UK and Europe, so if this is something you are working on, we want to talk to you.

The brief videos below gives you a flavour of how managers feel about the product and what the thinking is behind it. If it triggers a nerve and you want more information, we can provide you with a lot more details fill out the form below and we will be back with more (even if you are just starting to explore your options). On a point of clarification before you watch the videos, when I speak about gamification I mean applying game methodologies to non-game situations like in this case performance management; in the videos you will hear it called management by gaming.

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