Gamification stuff we love: Gooseberry Planet

Staying safe whilst enjoying time online is a concern for many parents for their children, even schools have online safeguarding as a necessary skills on the curriculum. Most of the material on the market is dry and doesn’t quite allow for a real learning experience. Hence mum Stella James looked into providing solutions and came up with a serious game approach to addressing the problem.

Students step into a game environment where they have a mini-platformed game experience where they need to collect stars and find family members of the gooseberry family. In order to find them they complete a number of challenges such as quizzes all relating to online behaviour and a bit of competition against classmates to keep students on their toes. Each time a challenge is answered the player is referred to a workbook or teacher to continue. A learner journey profile is established which allows both parents and teachers to identify where a student or a whole class may be vulnerable. Students want to be better at the game and will go back to repeat challenges where they learn what is safer behaviour online.

From a schools and teachers perspective the game comes with lesson plans on very serious topics such as: cyber bullying, grooming, radicalisation, in app purchasing, dealing with strangers, etc. By opening up the discussions based on in game answers and behaviour the learning can be reinforced. Gooseberry Planet is a great game based learning platform addressing serious issues, which children and young adults face today.

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