As I was researching some material around sales and influencing for a client proposal, I came across the site of Dale Carnegie and their badges. It is a great example of the BadgeOS standard implemented well for the purpose of giving meaning to learning activities. They name them competency based badges.

Dale Carnegie have organised badges by competency. Especially for the soft skills area this may work well. Because courses are also typically attended as external participants, the badge can then be displayed on social media for potential and existing employers to view.

They also went a step further and gave levels to the badges, which reflects their courses and activities in courses also:

level1Basic familiarity with concepts.

level2Practical understanding of concepts with practice.

Level_3_draftHigher-order understanding with repeat application.

Level_4_draftAdvanced understanding with practice, coaching and evaluation.

If you look at their promotional video about the system, they explain why they see it as giving value to an individual and how it influences employability and promotion opportunity.

I like the way this illustrates how badging can be done well and are mainly achieved after action and effort.

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