Feminine gamification viewpoint: Female leadership more engaging

I blogged about this before under this theme that ladies make 70% of all consumer purchasing decisions. Now put that into perspective, the female consumer market is worth £12.45 trillion ($20 trillion) … any percentage of this I guess would be worthwhile involving ladies in your design and testing of your engagement strategies for?

The Gallup organisation takes it even a step further, they research workplace engagement on a regular basis and they found that female leaders are more engaging than their male counterparts. Yet in most European countries the representation of women at leadership levels in organisations as well as government is limited.

We know women process information differently to men, shop and make decisions differently, yet most projects are led by men including those aimed at persuading women. Gallups’ advice is to let women lead, get them talking, engage them and they will automatically engage others. This approach would work in leadership for the retention of talent, but equally in design and gamification projects.

Statistics about female leaders


What have you experienced in terms of leadership, gender and engagement?

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