A lot of vendors offer deep dive sessions into their software. I have often been reluctant to go along and find out more. However because of continued growth and requests for proposals increasing, I decided to take up to invite to take a two day deep dive into my CRM software. Surprisingly about 150 others have decided to do the same and the feeling of wanting to make the most of what we pay for.

We are only a few hours into day 1 and I have to say I have found some invaluable new tricks that will help measure effectiveness and automate some of the work I am trying to keep up with as the main person in charge of all business development and marketing related activity. What is encouraging to see that even enabling some of the additional features I didn’t know about is easy, hence strengthening my relationship and trust with this provider.

From the perspective of the software owners, it is an opportunity to explain all the features and increase take-up of them as well as listening to their clients. From the clients perspective it is an opportunity to ask all the stupid questions, from real people and not just the chatbot person or the youtube help channel. In an age were digital is immersive, there definitely is still a place for the personal contact and relationship building.

Deep diving with a client allows for learning on both sides. If the client feels valued they will share their questions, problems as well as suggestions on how your software would work better for them. For example the venue we are in has the most fabulous views over the Thames and Big Ben, food for all kinds of tolerances and intolerances is catered for, lots of vendor staff is at hand to help answer questions. From the software vendors perspective it is an opportunity to showcase new potential features, but also what customers are doing well with your tools. It lifts both the software and the client you showcased.

In the world of gamification, we evangelise a lot and when I ask a lot of the vendors, whether they visit clients, do workshops with them, the answers are often a resounding “no”. Does it take critical mass? Well obviously it is more impressive when larger numbers of clients attend. But even with  a small VIP session, some of this loyalty can be stimulated. By having met your people in person, the barrier for asking questions is a lot lower and when all goes well the relationship stronger and potentially more loyal.

When it comes to engagement design, digital is only one channel and in-person contact is still very valuable. For long term loyalty, I would say essential.

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