Feminine Gamification Viewpoint: Social sales

It seems appropriate on what seems to be a now global concept “Black Friday” to talk about social sales and how this is in fact 70-80% a female sport. Women have dominated shopping for some time and online shopping is no different. However the concept of social sales: flash sales for member’s only with a share your buy option is something that attracts the ladies more than men. Ladies are also more likely to share their buys than guys do in general.

I tend to how my purchases as soon as I arrive home with them, but for my boyfriend I usually have to ask whether something is new when he is actually wearing it.

The two interesting points from a gamification perspective is that allowing social sharing should definitely be a feature when you are aiming at ladies and equally the membership/loyalty element. Women tend to be the ones that own the store card or membership card, this is the same online as offline, the reason for joining is the opportunity for special offers and discounts based on point systems.

I would suggest stretching the concept of social sharing further and have a try it on you and share it to your best friends for a second opinion. Some interior design sites have already got the function to pre-plan your design, share it with those who matter to you and based on everyone’s feedback make the final buying decisions.

With ladies as the majority shopper online, what is it they are looking for in order of preference (based on Comscore & UKOM data for the UK):

  1. Fragrances and cosmetics
  2. Jewellery, luxury goods and accessories
  3. E-cards
  4. Flowers, gifts, greetings

What are you shopping for this Black Friday?


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