4 thoughts on “Feminine gamification viewpoint: gwc15 presentation”

  1. First I want to say that I follow and I respect your work a lot. But this time I have a little shock with your presentation.

    I read in the social media about your talk and I said: "ok let's see the slides". And i have found a stereotypical presentation.

    Pink and blue, pretty girls and pretty boys. I feel like in XX century.

    The really interesting data are in the 13th slide. Think about different kind of users, test it in differente groups, and take the best practices. I am sure that we are not as empathic (women) and that mens, are not so practice. Different people, different context, different cultures…

    Again thanks for your work. And thanks for making us think of the image of women moved in the media.

  2. Thanks for your comment. I assume you didn't hear the talk in person, which may have given more real context.
    The health warning slide I used to indicate that in fact both gender will behave sometimes more masculine and sometimes more feminine depending on the situation and that the slides may give the wrong impression to be very divisive. I see it as a spectrum from which we operate and we all both men and women have the ability to move on that spectrum, some of us more comfortably than others.
    I personally love pink, so to me the pictures aren't offensive, they were just there to make a point and that I think was understood.

    I also mentioned all the way through that the data was collected by researchers at various universities and when you follow the blog posts on this topic on my site you will find each study probably mentioned and the figures discussed in isolation rather than in images and numbers, which may taint how you perceive them.

    The end-result and the key take-away I wanted people to have from the talk is that when we design for behavioural transformation, we have to be aware and mindful that there are differences between gender but also others such as age, economical situation, etc and to have a balanced design we need different test groups, which I am glad you also found on slide 13 as you mentioned.

  3. Oh I wish I had had the time (read: both time and money) to be there. I was in Copenhagen listening to Margaret Burnetts talk on gender inclusive software (for an 1 hour presentation: https://youtu.be/uhOBd34q2kM otherwise see: http://eusesconsortium.org/gender/).
    She analyses software (for problem solving) from HCI perspective based on five facets: motivation, information processing, computer self-efficacy, risk averseness and tinkering. Those five aspects are *statistically* unevenly distributed in the genders. She uses gender-persona's for communicational purposes, because it is so much easier to communicate, than the five facets.

  4. That sounds fascinating too, hopefully next year you can join us for the gamification world congress. thank you for sharing the video and links I will definitely have a look at these, because it seems quite aligned to what I have found in research and in practise.

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